The method create_link_pipeline creates the class LinkPipeline, which create pipelines in the Link SDK.

Create Link Pipeline

    identifier: Optional[str] = None,
    components: Optional[List[MRXLinkComponentModel]] = None,
    edges: Optional[List[MRXLinkDagEdgeModel]] = None,
    parameters: Optional[List[MRXLinkPipelineParameterModel]] = None,
) -> LinkPipeline
  • Parameters
  • Returns
    • LinkPipeline(identifier, components, edges, parameters)
  • Troubleshooting
    • RuntimeError: User configuration is required. For user configuration, try 'mrx-link login' in the command line interface.
      • This occurs when user configuration is required.
    • ConnectionError: Check your internet connection and try again.
      • This occurs when there is an Internet request error or timeout.
    • ValueError: Invalid email or product key. Please check your email and product key again.
      • This occurs when the email or product key value is incorrect.
    • ValueError: An unknown error occurred. If the problem continues, visit for discussion, or for technical support.
      • This occurs when an unknown error happens when connecting to the internet.
    • ValueError: Pipeline parameter names should not be duplicated: ['name']
      • This occurs when pipeline parameter names are duplicated.


from mrx_link.sdk.utils import *

# Code cell
code1 = """
x = 1
code2 = """
print(f"{x=}, {y=}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Create components
    component1 = create_link_component(identifier="111-1", name="test", code=code1)
    component2 = create_link_component(identifier="111-2", name="test2", code=code2)
    components = [component1, component2]

    # Create edges
    edge1 = create_link_edge(parent_id="111-1", child_id="111-2")
    edges = [edge1]

    # Create pipeline parameters
    parameter1 = create_link_parameter(name="x", value="123")
    parameter2 = create_link_parameter(name="y", value="baregasdv")
    parameters = [parameter1, parameter2]

    # Create pipeline
    pipeline = create_link_pipeline(components=components, parameters=parameters, edges=edges)

    # Print pipeline


##### PIPELINE #####
ID     Name    Status    Parent IDs
-----  ------  --------  ------------
111-1  test    Ready     []
111-2  test2   Ready     ['111-1']

##### PARAMETERS #####
Name    Type    Value
------  ------  -----------
x       str     "123"
y       str     "baregasdv"