Execute the Link pipeline in the ipynb or yaml file using the Run All method.

mrx-link run --file FILE.format -p <NAME TYPE VALUE>
  • Options

    • --file FILE.format: Enter the path and name of the file containing the pipeline information created with Link, in either IPYNB or YAML format.

    • -p <NAME TYPE VALUE>, --parameter <NAME TYPE VALUE>: Change the parameter values in the Link notebook files. (To change a pipeline parameter value, you must enter its Name, Type, and Value information.)


      • To change a pipeline parameter value, you must enter its Name, Type, and Value.
      • It is possible to change multiple parameter values as follows:
        • mrx-link run --file FILE.format -p a int 3 -p b float 0.3
    • -h, --help: Displays a help message.

      Usage: mrx-link run [OPTIONS]
        Run the pipeline in the `ipynb` or `yaml` file with customized parameters.
        Example: mrx-link run --file <FILE.format> -p a int 10
        --file TEXT                     file path to run Link pipeline  [required]
        -p, --parameter <TEXT TEXT TEXT>...
                                        Parameters for the pipeline. For one
                                        parameter, three values must be entered. The
                                        order is the paramater name, type, and
                                        Examples of parameter types are int, float,
                                        str, and bool.
        -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.
  • Troubleshooting

    • User configuration is required. For user configuration, try 'mrx-link login' in the command line interface.
      • This occurs when user configuration is required.
    • Check your internet connection and try again.
      • This occurs when there is an Internet request error or timeout.
    • Invalid email or product key. Please check your email and product key again.
      • This occurs when the email or product key value is incorrect.
    • An unknown error occurred. If the problem continues, visit https://makinarocks-link.readme.io/discuss for discussion, or https://link.makinarocks.ai/technical_support/ for technical support.
      • This occurs when an unknown error happens when connecting to the internet.
    • [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'FILE.format'
      • This occurs when the input file does not exist.
    • Only ipynb and yaml are supported for source file.
      • This occurs when the input file is not in a supported format or when there is no pipeline information created in Link.
    • zsh: no matches found: FILE.format
      • This occurs when there are Bash special characters or spaces in the file names of the notebook file.
        • It runs properly if \ is included before the Bash special character or space.
          • ex) mrx-link run --file cli-test\(name\).yaml
        • It runs properly if the notebook file name is enclosed in ' or ".
          • ex) mrx-link run --file "cli-test(name).yaml"


  1. Download the sample source file below.
  2. Install required python packages by using the following command.
    pip install sklearn torch "pytorch_lightning>=1.6, <1.9" "torchmetrics>=0.7.0, <0.11.1" livelossplot
  3. Run the notebook file by using the following command.
    mrx-link run --file 'iris_classification.ipynb'